In spite of continued readiness, and many supplementary orders, Case Yellow was continually postponed. On 19th January, 1940, as we know from General Jodl's diary, the draft of a new Directive was submitted to Hitler. This was to be Directive No. 10. After being amended, it was evidently sent to the High Command Of The Army, but the original has not survived. The first paragraph, however, is known from an order of the High Command Of The Army. Once again, an offensive in the West is announced. All available forces are to be thrown into battle with the object of occupying Holland and Belgium, and inflicting a decisive defeat on the French and Allied armies in North France and Belgium. It appears that, under pressure from the Commander In Chief Army, and his Generals in command of Army Groups, this Directive was again amended. Then, on 18th February, 1940, the plan of operations was changed, and a new version of Directive No. 10 was evidently issued (a reference to it will be observed in Directive No. 11 below: The progress of the offensive to date shows that the enemy has failed to appreciate in time the basic idea of our operations. He continues to throw strong forces against the line Namur-Antwerp and appears to be neglecting the sector facing Army Group A. This fact and the swift forcing of the Meuse River crossing in the sector of Army Group A have established the first essentials for a thrust in all possible strength north of the Aisne and in a northwesterly direction, as laid down in Directive No. 10). Once again, only part of the text (the first section) survives, again in the form of an Order Of The High Command Of The Army. It is as follows:

                The objective of offensive Yellow is to deny Holland and Belgium to the English by swiftly occupying them; to defeat, by an attack through Belgian and Luxembourg territory, the largest possible forces of the Anglofrench army; and thereby to pave the way for the destruction of the military strength of the enemy.

                The main weight of the attack across Belgium and Luxembourg will be south of the line Liège-Charleroi.

                Forces engaged north of this line will break through the Belgian frontier defences. Continuing the attack westwards they will parry any immediate threats to the Ruhr Basin from northeastern Belgium, and will divert to themselves the strongest possible Anglofrench forces.

                Forces operating south of the line Liège-Charleroi will force a passage of the Meuse River between Dinant and Sedan (both inclusive) and will advance through the French frontier defences towards the Somme estuary.