Adolf Hitler - appeal to the Political Leaders of Germany

 (Short excerptions)


September 09, 1938


You all certainly feel how strong we are in this community. At a time like this when there are clouds on the horizon, I rejoice doubly at seeing myself surrounded by a guard of millions of undeterred, zealous National Socialists whose spiritual leaders you are! Just as I used to rely upon you blindly in the long years of struggle for power in Germany, I am certain that Germany and I can rely upon you today.


All those who for fifteen years anticipated the collapse of our Movement, all those were wrong. The Movement emerged all the stronger from every trial and tribulation! And all those who today hope for a weakening of Germany, they will he proven wrong, too! As I speak to you today, I do not see 140,000 Political Leaders standing before me; no, you are the German nation. A Volk is worth no more and no less than its leadership. Our leadership shall be of a benign nature-it is this that we promise the German Volk!





Adolf Hitler - speech to the Hitler Youth

 (Short excerptions)


September 10, 1938


A new movement had to come along, a movement that would educate and, therefore, prepare our Volk. And even if March 12 and March 13, 1938, were all that National Socialism had achieved in its historical existence, that alone would suffice to justify its existence for the millennium!




You were placed in the middle of this community of fate. In it you shall grow and one day you shall support it yourselves. One day, your steadfastness shall be used as a rod for the steadfastness of Germany. I have confidence in you, and I count upon you blindly.


Once Providence chooses to take me from my Volk, then I will bequeath upon the coming Fuhrer a Volk of iron, steadfast in its unity that can never again be separated or torn apart. It will stand together without yielding: it will he happy in times of rejoicing and spiteful in times of need.


In my eyes, each of you boys and each of you girls are a life guarantee for this.

Throughout the German lands, those who rely upon the united German Volk fare the best.


And you are the German Volk!


Adolf Hitler – short excerptions from the speech to SA and SS

 (Short excerptions)


September 11, 1938


What stands here today is the best political fighting troop of the German Volk ever. At times like these, we must remind ourselves that National Socialism did not rise to power as a result of some vague hope but as a result of a concrete battle. And National Socialism stands determined to preserve its present position and the position of the Reich which it has created under any and all circumstances!




And so this time the champions of the games stand amongst you. I greet them in particular, and I expect that, over the next few years, these competitive games will develop into a gigantic event. This event will be crowned by the completion of an enormous stadium to the right of the new congress hall, a stadium for the German Volk.




This Germany stands before us now and we have the great fortune to live in it. Other Germans are not this fortunate right now. Our hearts reach out to them, and we know that in their hearts they are with us at this hour!